Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My purpose for this blog

I have crazy, crazy dreams.  I remember so many of them and I love to share mine and hear about other people's dreams.  I have dreams of all sorts, fun ones, adventure ones, recurring ones, nightmares and many others.  I am not as fond of the nightmares as I am of the pleasant dreams, obviously, but they still add to the excitement of the dream world.  I have had flying dreams, zombie dreams, dreams within dreams, dreams where I die, dreams in first person, dreams in third person and dreams where I am a different person.  I have had really vivid dreams where I wake up and think they actually happened and I have had dreams where I can feel them slipping out of my brain once I have woken.

My plan is to use this as a sort of dream diary.  I will post dreams here as I have them and hopefully anyone reading this will get enjoyment out of the crazy inner workings of my unconscious mind.

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