Saturday, July 23, 2011

Recurring Tsunami Dream

Last night proved to not be chock full of dreams, just dream fragments.  Because of this, I have decided to share with you the recurring tsunami dream that I have and mentioned in the other post.  It isn't very detailed, but these bits are always present when I have it.

I am in a Snack Shack at the beach and a Tsunami comes and I have to hold onto one of the pillars of the shack so that I do not get swept away by the water, which for some reason isn't strong enough to just decimate the shack.

There isn't much to the dream, but I feel absolutely terrified when I am dreaming it and when I wake up.  It is such a scary feeling because I know I have to hold on and am barely strong enough, plus holding my breath proves to be a struggle as well.

Do any of you have any dreams with tsunamis or dangerous water in them?

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